Dec 19, 2006

PhD scholarships: The University of Manchester's Brooks World

PhD scholarships: The University of Manchester's Brooks World
Poverty Institute, academic year 2007/8
University of Manchester's Brooks World Poverty Institute /
Announcements Listing, Eldis , 2006

http://www.humaniti es.manchester. postgradchol/

The University of Manchester's Brooks World Poverty Institute announces a series of scholarships for PhD study on poverty analysis starting in academic year 2007/8. This can include study on the relation between ICTs and poverty.

To be considered for these scholarships, candidates will need to apply to study for a PhD via the normal University process. All components of the application must be completed by 31 January 2007.

Application needs to include a PhD proposal written by the candidate. This can relate to any aspect of the relation between ICTs and poverty but must have a strong poverty dimension. The topic areas shown below are for illustrative purposes only.

Note that the competition for scholarships covers all areas of poverty research, not just ICT-related. Competition is open to all for the four main scholarships; there are two additional PhD scholarships intended for US and Sri Lankan nationals.

See link to full text for more details.

[sursa beasiswa]