Dec 13, 2006

Scholarships: "Formations of the Global: Globalization and Cultural Studies"

Call for Applications
"Formations of the Global: Globalization and Cultural Studies"
Doctoral Scholarships
University of Mannheim
Mannheim (Germany)

The Graduate Program "Formations of the Global: Globalization and Cultural Studies" is offering four doctoral scholarships for international students (beginning
April 1, 2007).

Applicants are expected to write interdisciplinary dissertations within the thematic framework of the program. Participating disciplines are: American Studies/English,
Romance Studies, German, History, Media and Communications Studies, and Philosophy.

Applicants must have successfully completed an M.A. degree or the equivalent to a German Magister or Staatsexamen by April 2007. Further requirements are the fellows' presence in Mannheim, participation in the accompanying graduate studies program, and a working knowledge of German (language of instruction) . Scholarships are awarded for a period of two years (up to three in exceptional cases) according to
the regulations of the Landesgraduiertenfö rderungsgesetz (LGFG) of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

All application materials (including an application form, a CV, a project proposal of up to ten pages, and two letters of recommendation) must be sent to the program director by January 15, 2007:

Prof. Dr. Ulfried Reichardt
University of Mannheim
Anglistisches Seminar
Schloss EW 159
68131 Mannheim Germany

Further information on the application process and the program available at www.mappingglobaliz

Please address all inquiries to the program coordinator:

Karin Fischer (Coordinator)
"Formations of the Global"
University of Mannheim
Schloss EW 259
68131 Mannheim Germany
Tel: +49(0)621/181- 2363
Fax: +49(0)621/181- 2343
Email: promotionskolleg@ uni-mannheim. de
Web: http://www.phil. uni-mannheim. de/pk_globalisie rungRecent