Jan 14, 2007

CfP: 2007 Conference of the HDCA: "Ideas Changing History"

The HDCA invites you to submit proposals
2007 Conference of the HDCA: "Ideas Changing History"
September 16-20, 2007

The New School, New York City - "A university born of dissent and democracy"
http://newschool. edu/history. html

Keynote speakers will include:
Martha Nussbaum, Amartya Sen, Hilary Putnam, Anthony Appiah, Sir Richard Jolly
Special conference theme: Ideas Changing History

There will be a limited number of travel support for students and scholars from developing countries. To be considered, you must send a letter requesting travel support together with a full paper with the abstract by deadline of March 30. Proposals to be sent before March 30, 2007.

Website: http://www.capabili tyapproach. com/Conference. php?grpcode= conference1& groupid=conferen ce&sid=1724a6145 db1c284b9c0a1478 b754299

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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