Jan 8, 2007

CfP: Media Events, Globalization and Cultural Change

The Media Sociology Group of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and the Psychology and Public Opinion Section (PPO) of the IAMCR are organizing in cooperation with the University of Bremen (IMKI), Goldsmiths College University of London (Media and Communications) and University of Erfurt (Communications) an international conference on "Media Events, Globalization and Cultural Change" at the University of Bremen.

Please send your abstracts (not more than 300 words) to mediaevents( at)uni-bremen. de by Sunday 31st March 2007.

Full call for papers here:
http://www.mediaeve nts.uni-bremen. de/fileadmin/ mediapool/ medienkultur/ dateien/Call_ Mediaevents. pdf

Website: http://www.mediaeve nts.uni-bremen. de/

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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