Jan 16, 2007

Graduate position: Evolutionary Biology at U. Autonomous Barcelona

Graduate position: Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) PhD studentship announcement 3 year

Graduate Student Position in Evolutionary Biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Spain

A graduate PhD studentship position associated to grant CGL2006-13423- 01/BOS
(Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain) is available for research in either of the following areas:

a) evolutionary significance of transposable elements in processes of colonization of invasive species by molecular and chromosomal studies of insertion copy

b) speciation studies on the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation by molecular detection of genetic factors of male hybrid sterility

c) genetic basis of thermal adaptation by studying expression patterns of candidate genes that map around microsatellites that show clinal variation not explained by
hitchhiking due to inversions

The work will be carried out in the "Evolutionary Biology Group". Applicants must have completed their undergraduate studies in one of the following disciplines:
Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry or Environmental Sciences after January 1, 2003.

Send grades of your undergraduate studies with a short CV by e-mail to antonio.fontdevila@ uab.es immediately (decision must be taken by January 31, 2007) specifying in which area (a, b, c) are you interested.

For further information contact: Antonio Fontdevila (http://einstein. uab.es/afontdevi la) Principal Investigator Grup de Biologia Evolutiva Department de Genetica I Microbiologia Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain Phone: 34-93-581108 Fax: 34-93-5812726 e-mail: antonio.fontdevila@ uab.es

[sursa moldova_doc]

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