Jan 16, 2007

Graduate position: Northern Arizona U. Microbial Evol

Microbial Pathogen Biofilm Research Fellowship

Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff AZ) has been awarded eight Science Foundation
Arizona Graduate Fellowships. These represent first year PhD fellowships with an annual stipend of $25,000, plus $5K toward research expenses, supplies, travel, etc. Additional year funding is assured given reasonable progress, through the amount and sources are still being identified. The Translational Genomics facility in Flagstaff
(TGen North) focuses on infectious disease diagnostics, molecular epidemiology and public health.

The Microbial Genetics and Genomics (MG2) Center is a leader in biodefense and bioforensic analysis, including disease ecology and pathogen evolution. The Environmental Genetics and Genomics (EnGGen) center supports the molecular genetic
analysis of diverse natural populations including plants, animals and microbes. As part of MGEN, Dr. Jeff Leid's laboratory is working on the genetic basis for the biofilm lifestyle in B. anthracis and B. pseudomallei and in the host response to medically important biofilms.

Contact Dr. Jeff Leid (Jeff.Leid@nau. edu) for more information concerning fellowships and graduate studies at NAU specifically related to the study of biofilms. Jim James Schupp

[sursa moldova_doc]

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