Jan 10, 2007

Internship: Programme on Identities, Conflict and Cohesion UNRISD

Internship: Programme on Identities, Conflict and Cohesion
Closing date: 19 Jan 2007

UNRISD is now accepting applications for an internship position of three months, commencing in February 2007. The intern will work on a full-time basis under the supervision of the Research Coordinator for projects under the Programme on Identities, Conflict and Cohesion. The candidate must have academic and professional experience dealing with issues relating to indigenous peoples, and possess a postgraduate university degree in sociology, political science or a related field from an accredited university. Fluency in English is essential, and the candidate should have a good working knowledge of Spanish or French.

Main responsibilities:

1. assist in drafting and refining papers for the project "Identity, Power and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples";

2. assist in preparing a literature review and compiling information on the main themes for this project;

3. provide analysis of key issues and debates pertaining to indigenous peoples;

4. assist with workshop organization and administration; and

5. maintain bibliographies for the project using EndNote.

Starting date: 1 February 2007.

http://www.unrisd. org/unrisd/ website/pagecopy.nsf/(httpVacancies- en)/2784D7401C73 EF9BC125725D004E 3008?OpenDocument

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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