Jan 4, 2007

Nature article: demand for PhD

here i provide you with two new articles from Nature. basically starting from this issue they start a section called Recruiters. "Every week, this page will explore the job market from the perspective of recruiters in both industry and academia, offering crucial advice and inside information. "

Incidentally "The first instalment examines the vexed question of supply and demand" that is one of the main theme of eurodoc, regarding PhDs, isn't it?

I wanted to highlight that "We would welcome any contributors, suggestions or comments for this section at naturejobseditor@ naturedc. com".

I also look at this in such a way that as Eurodoc (or as the President or whoever) we might be able to contribute to it and make the association more relevant to the others, in the topic.

i would like some feedback on this.

regarding the two articles:

I think the first one hit the spot by saying that looking with the graduate's eye it seems that there are few PhD position. on the other hand, "for those in industry who are trawling this sea of talent, the issue is less clear cut. Many recruiters say that they are unable to find the skills they require in the traditional marketplace. "

a more important argument to me is "Rodney Moses, vice-president for recruitment at reagents firm Invitrogen in Carlsbad, California, said he gets a lot of applications from PhD scientists, but that few of them have the requisite business experience. “My ideal candidate would be a PhD with an MBA”".

this is a subject that can shift a lot my decision after the end of my PhD.

- Demand for PhDs is uncertain in a changing market
Paul Smaglik
http://ealerts. nature.com/ cgi-bin24/ DM/y/hbuK0SpSbu0 HjB0BJKh0Ev

the second one is a deeper insight into the subject and it's worth reading it.

- A question of supply and demand
Paul Smaglik
http://ealerts. nature.com/ cgi-bin24/ DM/y/hbuK0SpSbu0 HjB0BJKi0Ew

i dunno if there's a workgroup or anything that deals with this subject. i think it would be interesting to have a place to have a debate and to ask question, to raise doubts and so on...

[sursa eurodoc]

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