Jan 14, 2007

PhD and postdoc fellowships, EBIM Economic Behavior and Interaction

EBIM expects to have openings for:

* 1 "Postdoctoral Fellowship" starting in *April 2007* for 2 years of up to 1726E (depending on age and family status).
* 4 "Doctoral Fellowships" for 2 years (an extension by up to one additional year is possible) of up to 1259E per month (depending on family status). 2 fellowships starting in *fall 2007*, 1 starting in *spring 2008* and 2 others starting in *fall 2008*.

Application deadline for the Postdoctoral fellowship: 15.01.2007
Application deadline for the Doctoral fellowships: 31.05.2007
Website: http://www.ebim. de/Applications. htm

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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