The 8th ICAAP is committed to increasing the participation of those who require a voice in order to bring about “Waves of Change - Waves of Hope”.
Through the award of a substantial number of scholarships it is hoped that the following objectives will be achieved:
1. Greater community participation in decision making
2. Active, committed leadership and not just tokenism
3. Balance between science and community needs
4. An all inclusive process to combat HIV/AIDS
When selecting the most suitable people to be awarded scholarships it is hoped that the program of the conference would be richer due to the fact that:
1. Such persons would enrich the conference programme through real value addition
2. Their work would be in line with the theme and objectives of the congress
3. Breakthrough ideas would be given preference
4. Youth leadership would be encouraged
How does the 8th ICAAP Scholarships Committee hope to achieve these?
• By putting in place a fundraising effort that is strategic and elegant. It is hoped that funds raised would make way for at least 400 scholarships, both full and partial.
• By offering a program catered especially for scholars in addition to your usual tasks at the conference
• By designing a scoring system that would bring about greater participation of people from developing countries in Asia especially the Pacific, adequate numbers of female scholars, those living with HIV/AIDS, those who are young, academics who will exact change by contributing and also exchanging ideas, journalists who will tell real stories about real people, political leadership to ‘Wake up Asia’ and those with different sexual orientations and community groups.
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http://www.icaap8. lk/ceateAccount. aspx
The Local Organising Committee of the 8th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) would like to welcome you to the official website of the Congress. We look forward to personally welcoming you in Colombo in August 2007!
Message from the Co-Chairs of the 8th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific
Message from the President of AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (ASAP)
Message from Director, Regional Support Team, UNAIDS BANGKOK, Thailand
Registration With the 8th ICAAP Web Site
In order for us to provide you with an efficient and personalised service during your visits to the 8th ICAAP website we request that you register for the website.
This will enable access to Congress Registration, Submission of Abstracts, Submission of Scholarship Applications and other services for delegates.
[sursa beasiswa]
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