Mar 3, 2007

The Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security

The Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security
An International Conference
Organized by the Turkish National Police
Under the Auspices of the Prime Minister of Turkey
His Excellency Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan
June 14-16, 2007 Istanbul-TURKEY

Planning and Organization:

The conference is planned and organized by the Turkish National Police, under the auspices of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey and hosted by the Turkish National Police.

Scope and Purpose:

The Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security is an initiative of the Turkish National Police and international scholars concerned with issues relating to democracy and global security.

The conference aims to bring together specialists from academia, law enforcement, decision- making positions, media and other arenas which are concerned about issues of balancing safety, security, anti-terrorism, peacemaking with human rights, and social justice from a global perspective.

The conference intends to be an open forum for dialogue regarding the issues of security and liberty. It is anticipated that such a dialogue will result in a strategic plan for implementation by policy makers, academicians, peacemaking officers and advocates.

Call for Papers

Please do register before the March 16, 2007 deadline.

Interested individuals must submit an abstract of their proposed paper by March 16, 2007. Final papers of accepted proposals are due by May 4, 2007.

You may submit your abstract either during the registration or later via e-mail to contact@istanbulcon

Final papers should be submitted to contact@istanbulcon by no later than May 4, 2007

Accepted papers and panels will be placed into one of the sessions. Each session will be two hours. Panel sessions will have up to five papers presented. Papers not placed on panels may be presented in a special session.

Conference main Theme

Building a Peaceful and Secure Future Together

The broad theme of the conference is Democracy and Policing. The current state of knowledge on these concepts has been associated with high complexity and rapid and discontinuous change. Democracy can be defined as a form of government in which the public has a formal voice in shaping the policy. The Police, on the other hand, are the face of democratic governments where they have the critical responsibility of enforcing the laws enacted by democratic governments.

The mission of this international conference theme is to accentuate a number of essential and timely academic and professional issues in the fields of democracy and policing.

The purpose of the conference is to highlight vital questions in these two broad areas and the relationship between the development of democratic policing and the movement toward greater democracy, through interrelated sessions; each addressing one of the following scientific themes.


THEME 1- Comparative Perspectives on Democracy and Policing

This theme is dedicated to highlight the relationship between democracy and policing. The police are the government's face. It is an institution citizens come into contact with on a daily basis more often than others. Of all governmental functions, the policing function is arguably one of the most visible, the most immediate, the most intimately involved with the well-being of individuals and the health of communities. The police have the critical responsibility of enforcing the laws enacted by democratic governments. Whilst not being limited to, papers are welcome in such areas as:

* Police and Democracy
* Policing Democracies
* New Directions in Securing Democratic Societies
* Comparative Perspective in Democratic Policing
* Issues and Practices in Democratic Policing
* Faith and Democracy
* Peace and Peace Policies
* Turkey's Position in Contributing the World's Peace
* Role of Education for the World Peace
* Democratic Peace: Reflections and Responses
* Women and Policing
* Role of Media in Democratic Societies
* Institution Building and Democratic Process
* Balance Between National Security and Liberties
* Pressure on Civil Liberties
* Democracy, Security and Human Rights Issues
* Foreign Policy and International Politics
* Political Order and Political Disorder
* Democracy and Security Technologies
* Executive Power and Political Regimes

THEME 2- Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement Agencies

The emphasis of this theme will be on the changing role of the police in a world that is experiencing profound transitions by focusing on the role, potential and complexities of policing in contemporary societies. The aims of this theme are to highlight the role of the police in contemporary society, promote critical reflection on issues concerning police powers, police discretion and accountability; and consider current debates regarding police philosophies, policies and strategies. Whilst not being limited to, papers are welcome in such areas as:

* Human Trafficking
* Drug Trafficking
* Corruption
* Organized Crime
* Street Crimes
* Cyber Crime
* Delinquency, Adolescence and Violence
* Domestic Violence
* National Security Issues
* Dealing with Weapons of Mass Destruction
* Responding to Cyber-Crime and Cyber-Terrorism
* Global Aspects of High Technology and Cyber-Crimes
* Environmental Approach to Crime Prevention
* Information Sharing in Police Organizations
* Information Technologies and Security
* Ethical Issues in Technology Use
* Contemporary Law Enforcement Applications
* Police Education and Training
* Police - University Cooperation in Fighting against Crime
* Ethics and Deontology of Criminal Justice

THEME 3- International Perspective on Crime

This theme will stress the significance of international debate about the principles of policing in the fight against crime. It is important to remark upon the profound changes that are underway in our global community. The concept of globalization also includes the forces that re-shape the concept of crime. The question to be addressed in this theme is how these different forces influence the changing nature of crime and our changing responses to crime. Whilst not being limited to, papers are welcome in such areas as:

* Impact of Globalization on Security
* Regional Security in the European Union and Turkey
* Transnational Perspective on Security
* Globalization, World Peace, and Crime
* International Cooperation among Law Enforcement Agencies
* Law Enforcement Training and Global Security
* International standards in Police Training and Education
* Turkey's Role on Global Security
* Media and Crime
* Globalization and Violence
* Human Rights in Criminal Justice
* International Development and Communication
* EU and Turkish National Police
* International Law Enforcement Organizations
* Economic and Political Development
* Urban Technologies and Proactive Methods in Crime Prevention
* Crime Mapping, Tracing, and Intelligence Technologies
* Contributions of Technology to Law Enforcement
* High Technology Utilization in Forensics.
* Integration of High Technology Law Enforcement Systems

THEME 4- Terrorism: Still a Global Problem

Globalization and international terrorisms have been a growing concern to governments in last decades. As democracy and security are two interrelated concepts, it is impossible to have a real democracy without security. Since terrorism became the greatest international security threat in this century, the main focus of this theme will be on terrorism from a global perspective to find out more practical and effective ways to fight against terrorism events including social, economical, intelligence and regional perspectives. Whilst not being limited to, papers are welcome in such areas as:

* Political Violence: Conflict, Terror and War
* Democracy and Terrorism
* International Terrorism
* Terrorism: A Man-Made Disaster
* Human Rights and Counter Terrorism
* Trends and Issues in Terrorism
* Responding to Terrorism: Security Measures
* Do Religions Justify Terrorism?
* Role of Media in Counter-Terrorism
* International Cooperation against Terrorism
* Role of Intelligence in Terrorism
* Root Causes of Terrorism
* Economic and Social Aspects of Terrorism
* Terrorist Recruitment
* Suicide Attacks and Contemporary Terrorism
* Pedagogical Responses to Terrorism
* Terrorism Cases from Different Countries
* Terrorism and Middle East
* Terrorism and Turkey
* Conflict Resolution
* Lobbying As a Counter Terrorism Method

THEME 5 - Democracy and New Governance in the 21st Century

New governance which involves greater tolerance of diversity and greater participation of actors produces a very different situation altogether. From this perspective, this theme will focus on what constitutes democratic and responsive governance. Equal and effective participation, institutionalized and public accountability, control of powers, will be addressed against background of new modes of governance and principles of democratic legitimacy shall be worked out. Whilst not being limited to, papers are welcome in such areas as:

* Reshaping the Government-citizen relationship
* Knowledge Management (KM) in New Governance Model
* Globalization, Global Governance and Decentralization
* Globalization and National Public Policy-making
* Regional Politics and The New Public Organization
* Democratic Governance and Civil Society
* Social Equity in Governance
* Multilevel Governance and Democracy
* Accountability, Transparency, Impartiality and Other Ethical Issues
* Security as a Strategic Management and a Leadership Issue
* Security Dilemmas and Public Administration
* Change Management for implementing Security
* Homeland Security and Emergency Management
* Risk Analysis and Risk Management
* Job-security, employee motivation and morale
* High performing police organizations
* Effective Hiring of Law Enforcement Officers
* Democratic factors on technology: E-government
* Police Performance Management and Leadership
* Legislation and Public Law

[sursa e-nass]

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