Mar 3, 2007

Phd: Interface between cell biology, neurobiology and muscle

Job Profile Nr. ITG04-07 Phd: Interface between cell biology, neurobiology and muscle pathology

Job description: A PhD–position is open for a highly motivated person who has experience in molecular biology and biochemistry and wants to develop further skills, particularly in high–end in vivo microscopy and fluorescent sensors. The ITG is equipped with state–of–the–art instruments and is a very international place with English being the first language. If you like to integrate into a young dynamic group, be creative and interactive in resolving important questions of muscle pathology, please, send your application along with diploma/masters degrees and CV.

Qualification: German university diploma degree or Masters or equivalent. Salary:
Institute/Departmen t: Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG) Contract duration: limited 3 years Starting date: agreement Application up to: 23.07.2007 Contact person in line-management: Mr. Dr. Rüdiger Rudolf, phone 07247 82-3423 (email: ruediger.rudolf@ Application: Please send your application referring to the identificationnumbe r of the job. ITG04-07 to Mrs. Reinhard, HPS, Telephone 07247 82-5079.

Research center, 23.01.2007

[sursa beasiswa]

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