Aug 30, 2007

CfA: Funding for international youth projects, Europeans for Peace

"Europeans for Peace" is a programme of the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" that promotes international projects. Partnerships between schools or youth facilities from Germany and Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe or Israel are invited to apply by submitting a joint idea for a project.

Theme for the new programme year: Origin and Diversity "Where do we come from? - Where are we going?"

For more information, see
http://www.european s-for-peace. de/c3view. php?sid=l81bwbmb wwR1fACaw33zD3lw zyb1wzy18ACarSx2 &ieb=1188214059& c3p=229&c3l= en

For contact information of the organizing committee, please see the website and click on CONTACT in the upper menu.

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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