Oct 10, 2007

The 3rd European Drug Prevention Prize

Strasbourg, 19.09.2007 – The 3rd European Drug Prevention Prize will be awarded in spring 2008 to three projects carried out by young people by the Council of Europe's Pompidou Group.

Eligibility Criteria

A project that enters the competition for the Prize should make certain that it meets the following eligibility criteria:

1. The project must be currently running in one (or more) of the Pompidou Group member states. Projects whose work is mainly outside this geographical area are ineligible. [For a list of member states, refer to the end of this document.]

2. The project must be run by more than one person and have some formal structure, for example a management committee or steering group. Documentary evidence of this will be required. Projects can be government sponsored, run by NGOs (non-governmental organisations), in the private sector, or organised by local communities. Projects do not have to be funded to be eligible—they can be entirely voluntary.

3. The work of eligible projects must be wholly or mainly in the area of drug prevention. Projects that are not concerned with drug prevention will not be eligible. We accept a broad definition of drug prevention, and we encourage you to apply if your project defines itself as a drug prevention project. Projects that address risk or protective factors associated with drug use are extremely significant, even if they are not directly concentrating on drug issues. However, projects that are solely concerned with ‘tertiary prevention’ (working only with people who already have developed problems with their drug use) are unlikely to be successful.

4. Young people, under the age of 25 years, must be involved in the work of the project. There is no lower age limit.


The Jury is composed of 6 young people from Pompidou Group Member States. They are identified by the Secretariat of the Pompidou Group based on proposals received from the non-governmental organisation ‘european playwork association’ that works with young people across Europe and other parts of the world. They have an understanding of drug prevention programmes that involve participation.

The composition takes into account gender and geographical balances, as well as diversity of backgrounds and cultures in order to ensure, as far as this is possible, an adequate cross-section of today’s young people in Europe. In addition the ability of young people to cooperate with each other, communicate with experts and interact in cross-cultural working context are taken into account. Selected young people serve for two consecutive Prize cycles on the jury. To ensure that tacit knowledge and experience is kept, as well as know-how transfer is ensured, every cycle 3 members of the Jury are replaced (‘rolling exchange’).

The Jury meets twice in a Prize cycle, which is 2 years. In year one the Jury meeting focuses on teambuilding, considering regulations and procedures as well as defining a plan of work. The selection meeting takes place in year 2 to the award ceremony. Between meetings the Jury members will receive incoming project applications from the Pompidou Group Secretariat and support by experts as agreed or by request.

For further information visit http://www.coe.int

[sursa eastchance]

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