Oct 5, 2007

PhD vacancy - Soil Ecology - Uni Bayreuth, Germany

Position a doctoral student (Doktorandenstelle)

As part of a research grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsch aft, a doctoral student position is open at University of Bayreuth, Soil Ecology. The project deals with the behaviour of Arsenic on organic soils, like fens and peats. In laboratory studies, binding forms, adsorption and reductive transformations of arsenic will be investigated.

We offer excellent working conditions in an emerging field of environmental sciences at the interface of soil science and hydrology. Salary according to TV-L E13/2 (Doctoral Students)
Start of project: January- April 2008
Duration of the project: 3 Years

The successful candidate will have an high quality grade (Diplom, Master) in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Soil Science, Geoecology or related fields. Experience in analytical laboratory work is required.

The University of Bayreuth especially encourages female applications in order to increase the proportion of female scientists. Handicapped persons will be preferred if equally qualified.

Applications should be send until November 15th , 2007 to:

Prof. Dr. Egbert Matzner
Soil Ecology, University of Bayreuth
D- 95440 Bayreuth
Email: egbert.matzner@ uni-bayreuth. de

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