Call for Applications: ACUNS/ASIL Summer workshop in Ljubljana/Slovenia on "Building the Knowledge Base for Global Governance"
The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) http://www.acuns. org and the American Society of International Law (ASIL), in cooperation with the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana (which is part of the Centre for Social Innovation Vienna), with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, are pleased to announce the eighteenth ACUNS-ASIL Summer Workshop on International Organization Studies , teaching, and research for advanced graduate students, younger scholars, lawyers, and UN practitioners. Contingent upon funding, the workshop will run from 23 July-2
August 2008, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
ASO Ljubljana especially encourages researchers from SEE countries as well as from Austria and Slovenia to participate in this Summer Workshop.
To apply for participation in this workshop, please visit ACUNS homepage
http://www.acuns. org
The workshop is intended to foster excellence in emerging scholars and practitioners who are at a relatively early stage in their careers. Therefore it is designed specifically for junior professors in international relations and international law faculties, post-doctoral and advanced doctoral level students, young lawyers and practitioners from civil society groups, policy staff from international organizations, human rights and development advocates, and others at similar early stages of their professional careers.
The purposes of the workshop are, first, to encourage new directions and new ideas in the analysis of international organization( s) and related legal studies; second, to establish and strengthen contacts between international relations and legal scholars and the United Nations practitioners; and third, to stimulate advanced research and teaching in the specific workshop subject matter.
The academic program of the workshop will be led by the co-directors, who have specific expertise as academics and/or practitioners in the fields of international politics and international law. Each workshop participant selected will be assigned to one co-director, and will develop their research project with her/his guidance.
Applicants may propose any research project related to the theme of the workshop. Some suggestions for topics are: multi-level knowledge management between local, national, regional and international bodies; legal regimes governing the global power of ICT companies; implications of the 'knowledge-based development' paradigm for the UN development agenda; potential of partnerships between the UN and civil society and/or business for human capacity building (education, training and research); how existing global scientific and technological knowledge can be harnessed in a coordinated manner for effective action on global challenges such as
responding and adapting to global climate change; global foresight studies as strategic intelligence input to the work of the UN; fostering of knowledge based approaches to global challenges by philanthropists; UN agencies as learning organizations; reforming the UN in the context of a global information society; new approaches in UN studies and teaching; and experiences with information clearing house activities in UN programs.
NB This list is intended to be suggestive only - it is neither restrictive nor exhaustive, and does not assume any preferences for approaches (political, legal, economic, social, other) to the subject material.
One aim of this seminar is to assess the state of affairs of cooperation between the UN and other actors in the general area of knowledge management as a part of global governance. Are there potentially significant synergies that can be created? What added value could such cooperation bring, whether for the UN in conducting its own activities, or for seeking ways to manage specific issues? What are the particular legal, political and operational challenges posed? What has been done, or what needs to be done, to address the weaknesses that are identified?
On the basis of debates with practitioners and academics on these and closely related topics, the seminar aims to identify valuable lessons on improving the efficiency and efficacy of existing and new UN initiatives, and for cooperation between the United Nations and other actors.
Workshop participants will be selected by a review committee. Those selected will be expected to submit a ten-page draft of a research or policy paper to their assigned co-director in advance of the workshop. The paper must be original work prepared for the workshop, not material that the participant has undertaken for other projects or presentations.
The co-directors will make suggestions about additional readings, data or arguments in order for the participants to bring a more polished version of their paper to the workshop, to be distributed in advance of their presentations. Participants are responsible for providing copies of the paper. Participants also will submit to the ACUNS Secretariat in advance of the workshop, a 2-page abstract of their paper, and will be required to make an oral presentation during the workshop. The working language of the workshop is English.
It is hoped that the workshop will provide valuable guidance in the final development of a dissertation, publication or policy piece. The selected participants will receive lowest-cost economy class return air travel between his/her location and the workshop site; accommodation and some meals for the duration of the workshop; and access to university athletic, computing and library facilities where available.
The workshop is designed to promote collegial exchange and networking in an intense program. Participants are expected to take part fully in all aspects of the program. For this reason, participants are requested not to be accompanied by spouses, children or other dependents. A participant must obtain prior approval from ACUNS for family members to accompany her/him; however ACUNS cannot provide any additional travel, lodging or board for persons other than participants. Approval will be given only for extraordinary circumstances at the complete discretion of ACUNS.
International relations and legal scholars and practitioners from institutions in all countries are encouraged to apply. UN staff should apply through the internal application process (contact Margot Pieters at Applicants must submit a completed application form, four copies of a brief (3 to 4 pages, typewritten) research proposal and a full CV. Independent evaluation is critical for the selection committee; applicants therefore should arrange to have two letters of reference sent directly to the address listed below.
Completed applications must be received no later than Monday, 14 April 2008. Participants will be selected on a competitive basis. Application forms are available on the ACUNS website, or from:
ACUNS/ASIL Summer Workshop ACUNS
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario,
N2L 3C5 Canada.
Tel: (519) 884.0710 ext. 2766;
Fax: (519) 884.5097
E-mail: shucsko@wlu. ca.
[sursa balkans]
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