Apr 28, 2008

CfP: Studies in East European Thought

Studies in East European Thought
Editor-in-Chief: Edward M. Swiderski

Call for papers

Following its demise of Marxism-Leninism throughout the former Soviet empire and its satellites, scholars in these lands were faced with the task of 'reconstructing' the conceptual foundations, research programs, institutional settings, as well as the very ethos of intellectual practices, in particular in the humanities studies and social science.

Today, nearly two decades after Gorbachev implemented the perestroika and New Thinking, it is time to begin to review the path and current state of this 'reconstruction' . Questions to ask include: What is the state of 'theory' and 'method' in the human and social sciences? Have these disciplines construed discourses and 'ontological commitments' in the investigation of social being, culture, political processes, etc. that are remote from the former worldview? Do theory and method in these disciplines harmonize today with the traditions and perspectives of mainstream Western social scientific and humanities discourses, or are they orthogonal to the salient issues in the latter? How have the changes in question occurred?; what kinds of conceptual resources have been implemented? ; to what effects at the institutional level (e.g. in teaching curricula, research projects, including national programs, publications, including translations, etc.)? Are 'scientific communities' (communities of discourse) thriving throughout the formerly communist world? Who are the leading voices?

The editors of Studies in East European Thought (SEET) invite contributions from scholars concerned with such issues. Papers will be grouped and published according to theme or rubrics in successive issues of the journal.

Themes of particular relevance for which the editors invite contributions include:

social theory, including political theory
foundational questions: the concepts of the social, the cultural, the
political, the concept of agency, etc. following the demise of Marxism-Leninism
foundational questions in metaphysics and epistemology
the standing of 'culture theory' (e.g., Russian 'kul'turologija' )
the reception of Western theories and methods as well as intellectual traditions
the reassessment of 'local' intellectual traditions
ethics, moral theory
theology and religious studies
aesthetics, the philosophy of art and art criticism
historiography and philosophy of history
styles of thought, the 'culture' of intellectual practices, the question of 'continuity' (e.g. Russian 'philosophical culture')
the sources of normativity in the civic sphere (e.g. 'Rechtsbewusstsein' )

Submit your contributions to: Edward.Swiderski@ unifr.ch

Contributors are asked to submit written proposals for papers (in English preferably; however, German contributions will be considered) - of not more than one page - to the editor: Edward.Swiderski@ unifr.ch

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