The successful applicants will be involved in the research on climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. This research activity is led by the Research Domain Sustainable Solutions chaired by Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer, who also serves as IPCC Co-chair of Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change.
PIK is an internationally renowned research institution in the areas of climate change, climate policy and climate economics, and provides excellent support for developing a career in these areas. As a leading institution on integrated assessment modeling of climate change, PIK provides successful applicants the opportunity to participate in a series of international comparison studies.
Please visit our homepage at
We offer four Postdoc positions. Salary is according to E13 TV-L. Fluency in English and demonstrated potential for excellence in research is requested from all applicants for the Postdoc positions.
1. Postdoc (ref. ap/01, 2 years; prospective initial date: January 2011)
Climate change mitigation, adaptation, and the land system
This position involves the further development, calibration and implementation of a global landuse-economy- energy-climate- model framework. The model will be applied to assess various climate change adaptation and mitigation options, sustainable pathways of land and water use in the 21st century, and the future energy mix. Background in applied economics (agricultural, resource, development economics), human geography, applied mathematics or physics is needed;
experience in economic modeling is helpful.
For further information, contact Dr. Alexander Popp (popp [at] pik-potsdam. de).
2. Postdoc (ref. ek/01, 2 years; prospective initial date: January 2011)
Socio-economic impact assessment
This position is linked to the EU project on the Impact Quantification of Global Changes. Based on the integrated assessment model REMIND, global change impacts on different socio-economic sectors have to be explored in a variety of scenarios without adaptation. A particular focus will be on the integration of cross-sectoral damage functions and the treatment of uncertainty about future climate damages. This position requires expertise in advanced quantitative methods and a background in environmental sciences, physics, economics, or a related field with a strong interest for inter-disciplinary research; experience in programming (preferably with GAMS) is an advantage.
For further information, contact Dr. Elmar Kriegler (kriegler [at] pik-potsdam. de).
3. Postdoc (ref. ek/02, 3 years; prospective initial date: January 2011)
Integrated assessment model comparison
This position is linked to the EU project on Robust Assessment of Climate Mitigation Pathways and Costs. The successful applicant will assist in the scientific coordination of the project in responsible position, with a particular focus on managing and analyzing an integrated assessment model comparison exercise. She or he will also work with the coupled energy-economy- climate model REMIND at PIK to upgrade its regional and sectoral specification. This position requires expertise in advanced quantitative methods, a background in environmental sciences, physics, economics, or a related field with a strong interest for inter-disciplinary research, good
managerial and social skills, and the ability to work independently; experience in programming (preferably with GAMS) is an advantage.
For further information, contact Dr. Elmar Kriegler (kriegler [at] pik-potsdam. de).
4. Postdoc (ref. ek/03, 2 years; prospective initial date: as soon as possible)
Climate mitigation and energy scenario development
This position is linked to the international project Roadmaps towards Sustainable Energy Future. The successful applicant will work with the coupled energy-economy- climate model REMIND at PIK to develop a multi-run environment and explore a large space of mitigation scenarios. She or he will also strongly contribute to the work in the project. This position requires expertise in
advanced quantitative methods, a background in environmental sciences, physics, economics, or a related field with a strong interest for inter-disciplinary research, and the ability to work independently; experience in programming( preferably with GAMS) is an advantage.
For further information, contact Dr. Elmar Kriegler (kriegler [at] pik-potsdam. de).
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. Applications of disabled persons with equal qualifications will be favourably regarded.
Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, certificates, relevant publications, and a letter of recommendation. Please understand that we only send back the documents, if an addressed and post-payed envelope is attached.
Deadline for Applications: Until positions filled
Applications should be sent to: Johann Grüneweg, Email: grueneweg [at] pik-potsdam. de, Postal address: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, P.O.Box 601203, 14412 Potsdam. Electronic submissions are encouraged.
GREENCYCLES II is a Marie Curie Research and Training Network with the aim to advance the understanding of the impacts of climate-biogeochemi stry feedbacks on the evolution of the Earth system over the coming decades.
Within GREENCYCLES II, PIK is looking for applicants for the following two research positions based in Potsdam, Germany:
1. T5.3 Feedback analysis and evaluation using the CLIMBER model An Early-Stage Researcher (PhD candidate), to investigate feedbacks between climate and vegetation using the CLIMBER family of intermediate- complexity Earth-system models developed at PIK. Specifically, the established CLIMBER-2 model will be used to evaluate biosphere-climate interactions at global and
continental scales. This will be complemented by more detailed investigations of feedbacks resulting from large-scale modifications of the land surface such as due to expanded biofuel production with the CLIMBER-3 model currently under development.
The successful candidate will actively participate in network-wide workshops and training events.
The position is expected to start on 1 January 2011 and run until 31 December 2013. Applications should arrive before 1.10.2010, but will be also accepted until the position is filled.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a half-page statement of interest, copies of your high-school and academic certificates, the names of two referees and a completed Eligibility Form (http://www.greencyc s/) to Dr. Andrey Ganopolski, preferably by e-mail (Andrey.Ganopolski( at)pik-potsdam. de) or by post (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, PF 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany).
2. T5.6 Land use, biofuels, and global biogeochemistry
An Experienced Researcher (PhD) to investigate the effects of the growing demand for land from the production of food crops and biofuels and its influence on the coupled Earth system, in particular the biogeochemical responses and their climatic consequences. This includes the development of a parameterisation of biofuel crops for the dynamic vegetation model LPJmL and the global land and water use model MAgPIE. The successful candidate will actively participate in network-wide workshops and training events.
The position is expected to start on 1 October 2011 and run for 24 months. Applications should arrive before 1.7.2011, but will be also accepted until the position is filled. Interested candidates should send a CV, a half-page statement of interest, copies of your high-school and academic certificates and the names of two referees to Prof. Wolfgang Cramer, preferably by e-mail (Wolfgang.Cramer( at)pik-potsdam. de) or by post (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, PF 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany). Please also attach the 1-3 most representative and valuable examples of your past scientific work (submitted manuscripts will be treated confidentially) and a completed Eligibility Form (
Payment of both positions will be according to Marie Curie rules ( mariecurieactions/), including an allowance for transnational travel and mobility.
Researchers holding a PhD are eligible for this GREENCYCLES- II Post-Doc within their first five years of their career (including the time taken to obtain the PhD). At the start of their fellowship, researchers may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Germany for more than 12 months in the preceding 3 years. German nationals are eligible only if they have been active in research in a non-Associated Third Country for at least three of the last four years.
Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!