The PhD work is part of the Marie-Curie Research and Training Network “CARBIO“ – Multifunctional carbon nanotubes for biomedical applications.
"Nanothermometers: A non-invasive temperature control at the cellular level"
Realization of a novel non-invasive temperature control at the cellular level. If energy is transferred into a cancer cell via magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia treatment, temperature can vary significantly at the different length scales (defined by e.g. the nano-particle, the cell and the whole tumour). In order to guarantee optimal conditions e.g. for hyperthermia treatment or to release a possible temperature sensitive cap from the CNT, the resulting temperature changes have to be monitored. A nanocontainer (=CNT) offers the possibility for non-invasive temperature control by filling them with materials with a strongly temperature dependent NMR signal. These materials exhibit large T-dependencies of relevant NMR parameters (the spin-lattice (T1-) or the spin-spin (T2-) relaxation, chemical shift, dipolar or scalar couplings, electrical Quadrupolmoment) at 300–370K (~10-80°C) so that T detection is possible with high accuracy (< 0.1 Kelvin). Due to the protecting carbon shell, the number of materials which can be used for temperature sensoring without toxic adverse effects strongly increases. In principle, the container feature of CNT allows several different ways to realize temperature sensors: (i) Synthesis of CNT only filled with a temperature sensor, which can e.g. be mixed with ferromag¬netic CNT. (ii) Simultaneous filling of CNT with a temperature sensor and a ferromagnet (=heater), thereby combining different functionalities in one kind of CNT. (iii) Usage of the ferromagnetic filling itself as the temperature sensor, e.g. in the case of ferromagnetic Co filling (59Co-NMR; hyperfine effects are expected to enhance the sensitivity).
The fellowships are well paid, including a basic living and a mobility allowance (with deductions by national laws) and travel and career exploratory allowances according to the Marie Curie rules. Each fellow will get an employment contract with one partner and will perform secondments at other partners. A generous career development package is included.
CARBIO offers 12 three-years fellowships for Early-Stage-Researchers (PhD positions) and 4 fellowships for Experienced Researchers (ER). (cf.
The applicants must meet the requirements of the Marie-Curie fellowships. E.g., the fellows must be nationals of a state other than the country where they will perform their studies and they may not have carried out their main activities in that country for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the start of the fellowship. Applicants should be EU citizens.
CARBIO strives to increase the percentage of women in the field of science and encourages applications from female candidates.
Handicapped applicants will be given preference in the case of equal qualifications.
OrganisationLeibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden
Division/Faculty/DepartmentInstitute for Solid State Research
StreetHelmholtzstr. 20
Postal Code - 01069
Country - GERMANY
E-Mail -
Website -
Job Starting Date - 01/04/2007
Application Deadline - 31/01/2007
Applicants should have an good background in solid state NMR. Experience in nanoscience is of advantage.
Job starting date will be adjusted to the requirements of well suited applicants if necessary, i.e. position might start earlier.
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