Mar 11, 2007

CfA: Summer School in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences, Colorado

"Tectonic Exhumation" - A Summer School in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences
July 27 – August 3, 2007 / at Colorado College

The 2007 ISES Summer School offers one week of theoretical and practical investigation on Tectonic Exhumation. Topics to be addressed include: historical background and contemporary interdisciplinary approaches, numerical modeling, petrological techniques, tectonic sedimentation, thermochronology, field methods. Open to near-completion PhD students, the School further aims to build a peer
network of individuals who share research interests in geodynamics and solid Earth sciences, and to provide a strong mentoring experience that will aid the transition from student to professional life.

Invited contributors will provide an overview of their area of specialization, using a combination of lectures, practical exercises including use of computer applications, textural analysis at the microscope, or hands-on demonstration. Registration is open.

http://acad. coloradocollege. edu/dept/ gy/ises/ISESSumm erSchool. php

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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