Aug 16, 2007

3 open PhD-student positions in the field of geometric wavelets & 3D graphics

The Ambient Multimedia group is a research cluster within the Image Processing
research group (IRIS) of the Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO)
of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

The core focus of IRIS is on digital image processing. The specific goals of the
group are to develop original Fundamental Research, continued in Strategic
Research up to a stage where the results – when exploited – have a real impact
on society, and Applied Research, reflected by prototypes, products and
services. IRIS is a also a department of the Interdisciplinary Institute for
BroadBand Technologies (IBBT - and an associated laboratory of The
Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC - . IRIS is involved
in fundamental research on one hand as well as in strategic and applied R&D
activities via IBBT and IMEC on the other hand.

IRIS has three open PhD-student positions in the field of employing geometric
wavelets for scalable encoding of 3D graphics, addressing three major goals:

(1) advance the state-of-the- art by designing a new 3D surface representation
and scalable coding system;

(2) optimize the resource management for such systems;

(3) investigate the deployment on Multi-Processor System-on-Chip platforms.

Good programming skills in C/C++, good knowledge in signal processing/wavelets
and embedded systems are desirable.

Send curriculum vitae to: Prof. Peter Schelkens. Email: pschelke@etro.
WWW: http://www.etro. Research/ IRIS/Research/ AMT/AM_Index. html

[sursa beasiswa]

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