Aug 9, 2007

CfA: CoreGrid Summer School 2007, Budapest, Hungary

The CoreGRID Network of Excellence (NoE) aims at strengthening and advancing scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies. To achieve this objective, the Network brings together a critical mass of well-established researchers (155 permanent researchers and 168 PhD students) from forty-one institutions who have constructed an ambitious joint programme of
activities. This joint programme is structured around six complementary research areas that have been selected on the basis of their strategic importance, their research challenges and the recognised European expertise to develop next generation Grid middleware.

One of the major key objectives of the CoreGRID Network of Excellence project is education and training. Researchers and especially young researchers, interested to conduct their activity in the area of Grid Computing must have a good background in several disciplines related with this broad range topic. CoreGRID organizes annual summer schools since 2005. CoreGRID summer school 2007 is held this year in Budapest
(Hungary), between 3-7 September 2007. The summer school is organised by MTA SZTAKI (Computation and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

URL: http://www.lpds. css07/
Registration deadline is 25th August, 2007.

[sursa ro_ist]

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