Aug 10, 2007

USA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Fellowships

Postdoctoral awards for research in oceanographic sciences or engineering and policy at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Areas of Study: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences. Open to fields related to oceanographic sciences or engineering. Marine Policy Fellowships are offered to professionals in the social sciences, law, or the natural sciences who wish to apply their training to investigations of problems involving the use of the oceans.

Level of Study: Post doctorate

Eligibility Requirements:
* PhD awarded within the last 4 years.
* Interests in oceanographic sciences or engineering. Women and minorities are urged to apply.

Open to Students from: any country

Average Award Amount: Stipend of $54,000 for an 18-month appointment, plus a relocation allowance and health insurance

Award Deadline: January 15, 2008

Further Information: http://www.whoi. edu/page. do?pid=3D8020

E-Mail: postdoc@whoi. edu

Source: Education USA Weekly Update No 43 August 6, 2007

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