Post-Yugoslavian generation: Identity and Transition in Bosnia and Serbia
One day conference
Tuesday 29th of April, 2008
Departamento de AntropologÃa Social y Cultural, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
The conference will address the following topics: 'Cultural change in transitional Serbia'; 'Culture and identity in new serbian constitution' and 'Anthropology of multiculturalism in Bosnia'. The afternoon session will involve presentations including two ongoing research using social network analysis: 'Networks of Identification among Bosnian Youth' and 'Multitudes and Networks in the fall of Milosevic'
Speakers include: Bojan Žikić (Ethnology Department, University of Belgrade), Miloš Milenković (Ethnology Department, University of Belgrade), Džemal Sokolović (Institute for Strengthening Democracy, Konjic, Bosnia-Hercegovina) , Francisco Veiga (History, Barcelona), Claudia Aguilar (Anthropology, Barcelona), Rodrigo Araya (Anthropology, Barcelona)
http://seneca. gia/Egoredes/ dipticoA4. pdf
The working language of the Conference is English The conference is coordinated by José Luis Molina: joseluis.molina@
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