Apr 9, 2008

Interdisciplinary Climate Research Symposium

Interdisciplinary Climate Research Symposium
http://www.disccrs. org/DISCCRSposte r.pdf
2 - 9 November 2008
Saguaro Lake Ranch, AZ

Application Deadline: 30 April 2008

Participation limited to thirty-four early career scholars
Airfare and on-site expenses will be defrayed
http://www.disccrs. org/

The Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research (DISCCRS, pronounced discourse), connects natural and social scientists engaged in research related to climate change, impacts and solutions. The goal is to broaden perspectives and establish a collegial peer network to address climate challenges at the interface of science and society. See report from last symposium, and list of participants at http://www.disccrs. org/reports/ DISCCRS_III_ Symposium_ Report.pdf

During the week of DISCCRS IV -- which will be held in the Tonto National Forest outside Phoenix, Arizona -- participants will provide oral and poster presentations in plenary format, hone interdisciplinary communication and team skills, and discuss emerging research, societal and professional issues with each other and with established researchers invited to serve as mentors.

Participation will be limited to thirty-four early career scholars identified by an interdisciplinary committee of research scientists based on review of submitted applications.

Eligibility: Ph.D. requirements completed April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2008. We encourage applicants from the natural and social sciences, economics, mathematics, engineering, or any other field so long as the research focus relates to climate change, its impacts or solutions. Selection will favor those with interdisciplinary, collaborative interests. While the emphasis is on the U.S. research system, applicants from all countries will be considered.

Symposium Application instructions
http://www.disccrs. org/symphelp. html

Register your Ph.D. dissertation
http://www.disccrs. org/register. html
Electronic newsletter with jobs and other time-sensitive announcements is available to those who register dissertations.

Public webpage
http://disccrs. org
includes a searchable database of registered Ph.D. dissertations and early career resources:


Organizers: C. Susan Weiler and Ronald B. Mitchell

Funding: U.S. National Science Foundation Collaborative Grants EAR-0435728 to Whitman College, C.S. Weiler PI, and EAR-0435719 to University of Oregon, R.B. Mitchell PI.

Contact: disccrs@whitman. edu

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