Apr 9, 2008

PHD: Atomistic simulation of the re crystallization of silicon : application to FinFETs (IEMN, France)

The purpose of this work is to simulate at the atomic level the recrystallization of amorphous silicon in a real environment corresponding to a nanometric FinFET. Crystalline silicon is rendered amorphous during the dopant implantation to form the source and drain of the transistor. Amorphous silicon recrystallizes during the consecutive step of annealing.

The understanding and simulation of this recrystallization is required to control the depth and activation level of the junction in order to ensure optimal electrical characteristics of the device. This need for simulations is especially emphasized in the case of FinFETs because the standard methods of characterisation are not adapted to these nanodevices. The approach of simulation developed by our group for a stack of amorphous on crystalline layers[1] will have to be adapted to describe the effects of the crystalline orientation, of the low dimensionnality and of the stress due to the nitride around the fin. Collaboration with IMEC where FINFETS at state-of-the-art are fabricated and characterized, will be possible in the frame of the european project PullNANO.

[1] Krzeminski et al. in Journal of Applied Physics vol. 101, page 123506 (2007).

The work will be performed at the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (IEMN) in the team Silicon Microelectronics. The supervision will be made by two permanent researchers of the CNRS. The computationnal environment is formed of multi-processors calculators dedicated to this activity and administered by a staff of the CNRS.

The candidate should be interested by the science of materials and have validated modules on this topic. A taste for the simulation and the programming is essential.

Send a CV, the marks of the master 2 written part and a recommendation from the advisor of the master 2 placement to Evelyne LAMPIN (evelyne.lampin@isen.iemn.univ-lille1.fr)

Funding Notes
Public sector funding (Grant).
Candidate currently in year 2 of a french or european research master.

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