Apr 15, 2008

Training Course on Inter - Religious Dialogue and Understanding on 19-24 May 2008

We are very proud of inviting you to participate in the Training Course on Inter-Religious Dialogue and Understanding on 19-24 May, 2008 in Sheki, Azerbaijan.

Please find aditional info at http://www.karl.aegee.org/calendar.nsf/ID/BAK0805TC- E?Open

for application check: http://www.aegee- baki.org/ events%20AEGEE% 20popup7. htm

I do encourage all motivated people to join this initiative and actively contribute to the idea of the event -DIALOGUE- which is a permanent need of us!:)

all the best,
Emin Amrullayev
FR -Responsible
Euro Islam
Project Manager
www.aegee-baki. org

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