Apr 21, 2008

Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference 2008: 27-29 May 2008, Busan, South Korea

Dear Students, Scholars, NGO and corporate representatives, aspiring and accomplished leaders, we are happy to announce a great opportunity to gain exposure to other cultures while expanding your social network and adding valuable interest to your resume.

We cordially invite you to join us for three days at the Third Annual Women抯 Leadership Conference, co-organized by Tomorrow People Organization and Busan Institute for Women and Family Development which will take place from 27-29 May 2008 in the beautiful city of Busan, South Korea.

This event will offer you the opportunity to: expand your knowledge of gender related issues, leadership styles and empowerment techniques, share your own achievements and experience with fellow participants and benefit from their feedback while making important international contacts, publicize your research, stay up-to-date in this explosive field, learn how to reconcile the commitment to social mission with financial returns, and network with some of the leading experts in the fields of leadership and gender studies from around the world, creating a global network of leaders for life.

This year's conference will gather around 150 participants, mostly women, coming from all over the world and belonging to worldwide academic, NGO, political and corporate elite. Some of the key-note speakers will include:

Dr. Amany Asfour - Chairperson of the Egyptian Business Women Association
Ms. Kristin Engvig - Founder and Director of Women's International Networking, Norway
Ms. Ji-ae Shon - CNN's Seoul's Bureau Chief, Korea
Ms. Heibi Cabot Forbes Oste - CEO and Founder of 2BalanceU, USA and others.

Tomorrow People Organization believes in education for life and education for change. We welcome participants of all ages and backgrounds, but especially students and young professionals, who have most to gain from our programs in terms of human capital development and professional counseling and support. We encourage our participants to implement their newly acquired skills in practice and to share their knowledge with their colleagues and community members, thus acting as agents of positive change. Our mission is to educate global citizens梖uture leaders!

More information on WLC 2008 including price is available at:
http://www.tomorrow people.org/ index
php?option=com_ content&task= view&id=112& Itemid=219

Apply NOW on-line at: http://www.tomorrow people.org/ index
php?option=com_ performs& formid=26& Itemid=224

We are very much looking forward to welcome you at this highly exciting and
challenging international women's conference in Busan, South Korea.

Cordially yours,

WLC 2008 Committee
Tomorrow People Organization
www.tomorrowpeople. org
contact@tomorrowpeo ple.org

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