"Balkans beyond Borders" is an online short film competition on the subject of regional cooperation in the Balkans wider region. The call opens today, on the 7th of December and the deadline for submissions is 14th of February 2010.
The main objective of the project is to invite young people to create short films through which they reflect on their region´s current and future situation. The aim is to get a better grasp of how young people understand regional cooperation, but also to deepen young people´s knowledge on issues relating to neighbouring countries, as well as raise awareness about the importance of cooperation for the future development of the countries in the region which follows the directions of the EU
Commission Campaign for the "Diversity against the Discriminations".
The project addresses young people, up to 30 years old, interested in creatively expressing their ideas on regional cooperation in Southeast Europe through film making. In order to be eligible, applicants have to be citizens of one of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, FYROM, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia. At the same time, "Balkans Beyond Borders" encourages all young people to participate regardless their social, cultural or religious background.
The films can be documentaries or fiction, animations, recorded performances. They must address the subject of the call and have no more than 10 minutes length. The official language of the competition is English.
The Award Ceremony for the 10 best films will take place in Belgrade on the 13th of March 2010, when the best films will be projected in front of a larger audience.
In order to apply, films need to be sent to the following e-mail address: filmcontest@ balkansbeyondbor ders.eu, together with a short registration form, giving further information about the participants and the film.
The audience will have the chance to vote online (by going to the project's website: www.balkansbeyondbo rders.eu) for the 10 best films and then an international jury will vote for the best film among these.
For more information please visit www.balkansbeyondborders.eu
Balkans beyond Borders is an international independent project organised by a team of 6 fellows of the current South Eastern Europe and the EU Leadership Development Programme (LDP). LDP is a programme that brings together young people who aspire to play an active role in the future of their countries and supports them with implementing projects in the region. The competition is also supported by the Naousa International Film Festival.
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