enhance the scientific basis for managing coral reefs in an era of rapid climate change and unprecedented human pressure on coastal resources.
1) Role of benthic algae in coral reef recovery processes: Research will involve field and laboratory experiments with coral larvae to study the effects of benthic algae on coral early life stages, including larval behavior, larval settlement and survival, as well as field studies on benthic algal dynamics, and settlement and post-settlement mortality of corals. Outcomes will be incorporated within an ecological model developed by other FORCE partners. The research will involve
interactions with field ecologists, marine botanists and ecosystem modellers, and will be performed in close collaboration with the Marine Botany group at the University of Bremen (www.uni-bremen.de), the Research and Management of Biodiversity Foundation CARMABI in Cura?ao (www.carmabi.org), and partners within the FORCE project.
2) Ecology of benthic cyanobacterial mats on coral reefs: Work will involve field surveys to characterize the spatio-temporal dynamics of benthic cyanobacterial blooms in relation to biotic and abiotic parameters in the environment, as well as field and laboratory experiments to investigate the controlling factors of these blooms. The
study will involve a variety of experimental and state-of-the- art analytical techniques for community-, functional- and geochemical analyses. The work will be multidisciplinary, involving biology, microbiology and biogeochemistry. The research will be performed in close collaboration with the Microsensor Research group of the
Max-Planck-Institut e for Marine Microbiology in Bremen (www.mpi-bremen. de), the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences MARUM (www.marum.de) , the Marine Geology Department at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research in Texel (www.nioz.nl) , and partners within the FORCE project.
The field location for both positions will be Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles. Both appointments are for a 3 year period starting April 2010 (negotiable) .
Requirements: Applicants of any nationality are eligible to apply for these positions. Applicants should hold a Master or Diploma degree in marine biology (position 1) or in biology (position 2). Experience in coral reef ecology, marine botany and scientific diving will be important assets for position 1. A background in microbial ecology with an interest in biogeochemistry and experience in coral reef ecology are desirable for position 2. Diving certification and good skills in
English are essential for both positions. The candidates should be prepared to make long-term stays on Cura?ao, and have good communication skills to integrate efficiently into an interdisciplinary research team.
Applications should be received by February 15th 2010, including a short outline of research interests and experience, a complete CV and names with email addresses and phone numbers of two referees by email in a single pdf-file to the address below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. ZMT is an equal opportunity employer. Disabled persons with comparable qualification receive preferential status. Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions.
Dr. Maggy Nugues
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT)
Fahrenheitstr. 6
D-28359 Bremen
tel: +49-421-2380025, fax: +49-421-2380030
e-mail: maggy.nugues@ zmt-bremen. de, skype: maggy.nugues
Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!