The University of Trento is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for 23 PhD Scholarships in its three PhD programmes: PhD in Economics and Management (9 scholarships) The programme focuses on the fields of decision sciences, organization, human and natural resource management with special attention to
methodologies used in a behavioural approach to economic studies. Such an approach is increasingly adopted to generate predictions about market dynamics, particularly in the fields of finance, natural resources and tourism, and consumption, as well as to design organizations and institutions.
PhD in Local Development and Global Dynamics (4 scholarships)
The programme focuses on theoretical knowledge of the new characteristics of local development in the context of globalizing societies and on the processes through which the new emerging global codified knowledge has to be re-contextualized and combined with local specificities. Since researching local development in all its complexities requires mastering subjects that range across a wide area, the first year of the programme has a decidedly interdisciplinary character, while subsequently allowing students acquire specialised research skills in their chosen major, also at some of the partner universities.
PhD in Sociology and Social Research (10 scholarships)
The programme has a long-standing tradition of emphasising theoretically informed empirical research. During the programme, the students will learn how to systematically combine theoretical reflection with qualitative and quantitative empirical research. To this end, it provides an in-depth study of sociological theory by means of direct and detailed comparison of the classic texts and the contemporary debates, as well as by the professional- level teaching of the methodology of social science research and the main techniques of research and empirical analysis.
All programmes are conducted in English and will be taught by members of the university’s multi-national faculty. No tuition fees are charged and the scholarships are adequate to cover living expenses in Trento. Scholarships will be augmented by 50% for authorised research periods spent abroad.
Applications deadline: 3 July 2013 - 4 p.m. (Italian time).
Application MUST include
1. copy of ID (European citizens) or passport
2. degree certificate or self-certification with the transcript of records (see details in the call)
3. research proposal in English (max. 3000 words) with a short abstract (max. 150 words) and bibliography
4. curriculum vitae et studiorum - Europass format available at:
http://europass. cedefop.europa. eu/europass/ home/vernav/ Europasss+ Documents/ Europass+ CV.csp
5. the form called “Signed acceptance document” generated by the online application
Application MAY include:
• up to 3 reference letters (in English or Italian)
• any international certificate attesting the knowledge of the English language (at the C1 level or higher in the Common European Framework of Refernce for Languages)
• list of scientific publications if any
• any other documents useful to attest to the research skills and abilities of the candidate (dissertations, scientific publications, works publishing, articles)
School of Social Sciences
University of Trento
Via Verdi 26
38122 Trento - IT
+39 0461282290 -3756
+39 0461282335
Email: school.socialscienc es@unitn. it
Visit the website at
http://www.unitn. it/en/drss/ news/29765/ the-call- for-applications -20132014- is-now-open