The 6th East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference
Honolulu, Hawaii USA - February 15 - 17, 2007
Continuity and Change in the Asia-Pacific: People, Places, Systems
CALL FOR PAPERS -- Deadline October 23rd (Monday) 2006
The East-West Center invites graduate students from all around the world to submit papers for the 6th International Graduate Student Conference, taking place in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA on February 15-18, 2007. The Conference will provide an opportunity to share perspectives formally (through presenting their papers and attending other panel presentations) and informally in the warm and encouraging environment of the East-West Center in Hawaii.
Deadline of abstract submission October 23, 2006
Notification of abstract selection result November 11, 2006
Deadline of travel grant application November 28, 2006
Website: http://www.eastwest studentconferenc e
[sursa studentnetwork]