Aug 31, 2006

Post-Doc Position in Damage Simulation of Composite at NUS

30/08/2006 08:13:45
Job Title Postdoctoral Research Fellow Company Name Mechanical Engineering Deadline 30/11/2006 Job Description The successful candidate will be required to assist in the development of computational tools for the analysis of damage progression and failure of advanced fiber-reinforced composite structures.

Specifically, the tools will utilize the strain/stress invariant failure theory (SIFT) and element-failure method (EFM). As some aspects of the theory and methodology are still evolving, research into these issues will be necessary. The project is partially funded by the Boeing Co. Requirements The candidate should possess experience and knowledge of the finite element method, Fortran code development and familiarity with commercial FE codes such as Abaqus. Experience and knowledge of mechanics of composites are an advantage.

Job Requirement & Skills: PhD in mechanics. Computational skills in finite elements are essential prerequisites. Remuneration commensurate with skill and experience.
Contact Person A/Prof T.E. Tay
Email: mpetayte@nus.
Phone: (65)-6516-2887
Fax: (65)-6779-1459

[sursa beasiswa]