Aug 18, 2006

Marie Curie Fellow - Analytical Chemistry (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece)

A research training on science for cultural heritage at FORTH-IESL

The aim of the ATHENA project is the transfer of knowledge and the training of early stage researchers to approach with a scientific method the multidisciplinary field of the conservation of the cultural heritage. The three host institutions will provide research training according to the following scheme: LENS (Florence, Italy): will provide training on the use of laser, advanced spectroscopic instrumentation: FT-IR, Raman and micro-Raman, pulsed Raman, LIBS, UV-VIS absorption and fluorescence methods, Raman-IR imaging techniques, spectroscopic data interpretation and treatment, spectral database construction for the characterization of artwork materials as pigments, ceramic mineralogical phases, organic dyes, artistic metal corrosion products, binders, painting substrates.

Complementary methods for diagnostics will be available at the host site: PIXE and PIGE, 14C dating methods, SEM-EELS. FORTH-IESL (Heraklion, Crete, Greece) will provide training in: a) Laser Spectroscopic and Imaging Techniques to be used for the on-line monitoring and control of any conservation intervention, including laser cleaning; b) advanced interferometric techniques for determining structural defects in the built of the art objects; c) laser spectroscopic techniques (e.g. Laser Induced Fluorescence, Mass Spectroscopy, Multi-spectral Imaging) for authentication applications. UA-MiTAC (Antwerp, Belgium): will provide training in the use of non-destructive micro-analysis and imaging methods with the aim of a priori or a posteriori inspection of the state of conservation of various materials and artefacts, either using equipment in the laboratory or in-situ equipment. The cultural heritage materials, which will be the subject of training, include: glass, stained windows, pigments, ceramics and metal alloys (Au, Ag, bronzes) using the methods of SEM/EPMA (scanning electron microscopy/electron probe micro analysis), XRF and micro-XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence analysis).

Organisation - European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy (LENS)
Division/Faculty/Department - University of Florence - LENS
Street - N. Carrara n. 1
City - Sesto (Firenze)
Postal Code - 50019
Country - ITALY
Phone - +390554572469
Fax - +390554572451
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Website -

Application Deadline - 31/03/2007