Aug 14, 2007

Bloomsbury Colleges PhD Studentships - London School of Hygie

The Bloomsbury Colleges PhD Studentships
Academic contacts are listed below as are the web addresses for prospectuses and application forms.

Investigator: Dr Mariam Molokhia (LSHTM) Collaborator: Prof Nick Barber (SoP).

Title of the Project:

Relationship between medication error and patient harm due to adverse drug effects.

Background: Several primary care databases have been established in the United Kingdom that include longitudinal records of morbidity and drug prescription data on several million people with up to 20 years follow-up, including The Health Information Network (THIN-GPRD equivalent), and MediPlus. Ascertainment of drug exposure (except for over-the-counter preparations) and morbidity can be almost complete. It is possible to use these databases to detect medication errors and
patterns of non-compliance in patients, and associated patient morbidity such as increase in adverse drug reactions (ADRs).

This project aims to establish the prevalence and type of medication errors in an adult UK population using primary care data and two classes of drug (i) statins (ii) fluoroquinolones, and assess risk arising from medication error in relation to patient morbidity. Recent relevant publications are given below:

(1) Dean FB, Vincent C, Schachter M, Barber N. The incidence of prescribing errors in hospital inpatients: an overview of the research methods. Drug Saf 2005;28(10): 891-900.

(2) Ghaleb MA, Barber N, Franklin BD, Yeung VW, Khaki ZF, Wong IC. Systematic review of medication errors in pediatric patients. Ann Pharmacother 2006 October;40(10) :1766-76.

Lead supervisor: Dr Mariam Molokhia (LSHTM)
mariam.molokhia@ uk / http://www.lshtm. staff/mmolokhia. html

Co-supervisor: Professor John Whittaker (LSHTM)
john.whittaker@ uk / http://www.lshtm. staff/jwhittaker .html

Co-supervisor: Professor Nick Barber (SOP)
n.barber@pharmacy. barber.html

This project would suit a quantitative epidemiologist or statistician who should be familiar with statistical analyses of large datasets. If you would like to discuss the project in further detail please contact: mariam.molokhia@ uk

Potential applicants should submit a covering letter and CV in first instance.

Please be aware that non-EU applicants will be liable for overseas PhD fees. (http://www.lshtm. /howto/tuitionfe es2007-08. html)

Deadline for submissions is the 14th of September.

[sursa beasiswa]

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