To Whom It May Concern
The 6th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC 2007) will be held at Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP) campus from October 3 - 5, 2007 (Wednesday - Friday). The multi-disciplinary conference is dedicated to promote research through exchange of knowledge and ideas within various fields of Business and Social Sciences. The Conference welcomes scholars and
practitioners as presenters, session chairs, organizers of special sessions and general participants. Working language of the conference is English, but some special sessions might be in Russian.
The theme of this year's conference is ³Opportunities and Challenges in Changing Economies´. The Conference will consist of concurrent presentation sessions on topics in all areas of Business (Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Information Systems, Operations Management, and others) Economics, Public Administration, Political Science, International Relations, Journalism, Law, and other areas of Social Sciences. The conference also welcomes papers on teaching
pedagogy and related issues. Well-prepared opinion pieces and reviews of prior research are welcome, however, preference will be given to papers based on original research. Special sessions (panel discussions and workshops) on significant topical issues pertaining to the theme of the conference will be conducted during the conference. Two special forums on current advances and trends in teaching and research excellence will be held. Please visit conference for details.
I would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate in the conference as presenters of scholarly works, session chairs, organizers of special sessions, or general participants. Please circulate the attached information among your colleagues*.
Thanking you in anticipation,
Sincerely yours,
M Mujibul Haque
Organizing Chair
6th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC 2007)
Dostyk Building (#320), KIMEP
2 Abai Avenue, Almaty, 050010
Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: 7 (3272) 70 43 63
FAX: 7 (3272) 70 44 63
E-mail: conference2007@
Website: conference
Murad Ismayilov
Phone: (994 12) 4 484 825
Mobile: (994 50) 327 3393
Fax: (994 12) 4 957 897
Address: Azerbaijan
AZ5000 Sumgayit,
Narimanov Str., 6A/8, 42
[sursa e-nass]
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