Law School of the Romanian American University invites you to respond to the following Call for Papers, for the International Symposium on "Legal Contemporary Institutions within the context of the European Integration of Romania"
The event is organized in close cooperation with and financially supported by the National Authority for Scientific Research of Romanian Ministry for Education and Research. It will be held in Bucharest, Romania, at the Romanian American University, on October 26 - 27, 2007.
The recent successful integration of Romania and Bulgaria into the European Union, as well as the EU new legal and political challenges determined us to consider the topic of "legal contemporary institutions within the context of the European integration" one, which is of great interest to be addressed.
Permanently, the EU and its Member States need to come up with strategies to adapt the integration process to the specific judicial and educational needs of the region. In this context, the Symposium will address the following subjects:
- Legal Protection of Human Rights/Plenary;
- Higher Educational Reform based on the Bologna Process/Plenary;
- Facts and Perspectives of the Romanian Judicial System in the context of the European Integration of Romania/Plenary.
The participants' papers will be reviewed, edited and published as conference proceedings. The publication will be handed to the participants, too. Paper proposals should be sent by e-mail to silvia.martis@, no latter than September 10, 2007. It should be one page in length and must be accompanied by a CV (and a letter of interest for accommodation € ’¶ foreign participants, only).
Accommodation will be covered by the organizers for a limited number of foreign participants.
Applicants selected by the organizing committee for participation in the event will receive further information. The final publishing paper should have no more than 5 000 words. For citations, formatting and grammar style we kindly recommend you to follow The Chicago Manual of Style (summary at € ’¶ Legal Writing € ’¶ click on "16. The Chicago Manual of Style"); but, it is not compulsory. The final publishing paper has to be sent to the organizers by September 20, 2007.
Best Regards,
IS.OC. Team
Contact Details:
Florea Magureanu PhD, Vice-Dean
Law School, Romanian American University
1 B Expozitiei Boulevard,
Phone: (+40) 21- 2029510
Fax: (+40) 21- 3183566
E-mail: silvia.martis@
www: http://conferences.
[sursa romania-eu-list]
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