Dec 18, 2007

2nd General Assembly and Conference of African Council for Distance Education (Lagos, Nigeria)

Scholarship / Financial aid: N/A
Date: 8th-11th July, 2008
Deadline: March 7, 2008
Open to: all interested applicants

Announcement follows:

"Open and Distance Learning for Sustainable Development"
Sustainable development involves proffering creative solutions to various kinds of problems that have arisen as world economies become more integrated. Open and distance learning is one of such creative solutions for resolving issues which border on sustainability such as teacher education, meeting the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and capacity building.


The following six sub-themes will be the focus of the conference

1. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Teacher development
- Designing ODL for the education and training of new and existing teachers
- Designing ODL resource materials for Teacher Education
- Evaluation of costs of teacher education using conventional and ODL modes
- Open source and Open content materials in Teacher Education

2. Meeting the Challenge of the Millennium Development Goals: Role, Potential and Impact of ODL
- ODL as a means of equalizing opportunities in education
- ODL in achieving primary education for all
- ODL and the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
- ODL as a tool for improving maternal health
- ODL as a antidote for reducing child mortality
- ODL as a panacea for eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
- ODL as a means of sustainable food security
- ODL in ensuring environmental sustainability
- ODL in promoting equality and women empowerment
- ODL and global partnership for development

3. Capacity Building in Open and Distance Learning
- ICT for development and learning in developing nations
- Use of ICT for capacity building in Open and Distance Learning
- Building capacity for planners and managers at systems level in such areas as courseware, exams and assessment, research
- Focus of research in ODL in developing nations: Past, Present and Future
- ODL and appropriate technology for training and upgrading agricultural extension staff
- Strategies for capacity building in a globalised world

4. Quality Assurance in Open and Distance Learning
- Quality Assurance of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institutions
- Learner Support Services and quality assurance of ODL
- Research and Quality Assurance in ODL
- ODL systems and quality assurance
- ICT and quality assurance in ODL
- Research and quality assurance in ODL

5. Collaboration and partnerships in Open and Distance Learning: Models, Challenges and Responses
- Models of ODL and situational applications
- Possible collaborations in the different modes of ODL
- Institutional partnerships in ODL
- Cross-Border and transnational ODL: Challenges and Benefits
- Modes and forms of collaborations and partnerships in ODL
- Challenges in establishing collaborations and partnerships in ODL

6. E-learning and Open and Distance Learning in Developing nations: Problems and Prospects
- E-learning in developing nations today: Review of case studies and current practices
- Emerging issues in e-learning and applications in developing nations
- The role and impact of e-learning on inclusivity issues in ODL
- Research in on-line and off-line approaches: Differences, similarities, problems and prospects


[sursa eastchance]

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