Apr 17, 2008

Call for Book Reviews (dl: 15.05)

www.ceu.hu/polscijo urnal
Vol. 3, Issue 2
Dead-line for submissions: May 10, 2008

CEU Political Science Journal has a section of book reviews that approaches relevant books in Political Science and related fields. For this issue we encourage contributions under the form of book reviews in the fields of Institutional Reforms and State Capacity. The dead-line for submissions is May 10, 2008.

Standard requirements for Book Reviews:
- 500-1,200 words;
- Times New Roman 12;
- Double spaced;
- Chicago Manual Style for references (see the �paper requirements� section on Journal's website).
The book reviews should not be published in a previous form in any other publication and should address books that were not so much under review or which present high importance for their field. In case you would like to write a book review for our Journal, but you do not have books to review, please send us your CV (resume) as soon as possible and we will provide you with a list of books that we consider for reviewing.

For any questions, please address to: ceu_polsci@yahoo. com.

The Editorial Board
CEU Political Science Journal
www.ceu.hu/polscijo urnal
Nador ut. 9, 1051 Budapest,

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