Apr 9, 2008

CfP: Modernisation of Ottoman Empire

Call for papers

Conservative Thought (Trimestrial Review)

Main topic: The Modernisation of Ottoman Empire
Length of essays 4000-6000 words.
Deadline: 30 may 2008


-The role of sultans during the process of modernisation
-The approach of Ýslamists, westernists and nationalists into modernisation
-The Ottoman modernisation as a conservative model of modernisation
-Ottoman Responses to the Challenge of Modernity
-The modernisation during the Hamidian Regime
-The Tanzimat, Islahat, Mesrutiyet and modernisation of Ottoman Empire
-The comparison of Ottoman modernisation with other modernisations (French, English, Japon, Russian etc.)
-The comparison of Ottoman modernisation with the Republican modernisation
-Modernisation in the Ottoman bureaucracy
-The role of bureaucrats in the process of modernisation (M. Resit Pasha, Ali Pasha, Fuat Pasha, A. Cevdet Pasha, etc)
-Modernisation in daily life

Muhafazakar Dusunce Dergisi
Buklum Sok. 19/2
Kavaklidere - Ankara

Tel: (0312) 418 54 74
Faks: (0312) 418 78 76

www.muhafazakar. com
dergi@muhafazakar. com
fedai67@yahoo. com

[sursa e-nass]

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