Apr 9, 2008

Predoctoral position: NanoEar: 3g-Nano technology based targeted drug delivery using the inner ear as a model target organ (Austria)

Applications accepted all year round

Inner Ear Research Laboratories Innsbruck, Austria

The position is financed by an Integrated Project from the European Community, with 24 European partners from 16 different countries. (NMP-2004-, Acronym: NanoEar- http://www.nanoear.org/; 3g-Nanotechnology based targeted drug delivery using the inner ear as a model target organ)

The purpose of this project is to develop drug- and gene delivery systems for an inner ear therapy. Novel, multifunctional, highly penetrating nanoparticles will be created by industrial partners to carry and release drugs & genes precisely to targeted tissue sites and selected cells. Goal of our group at the Inner Ear Research Laboratories Innsbruck is to test produced nanoparticles with inner ear explant cultures for toxicity and bioefficacy and visualize distribution at tissue, cellular and subcellular level (light- and electron microscopy). Further, human temporal bones will be included in our studies.

Research focus in Innsbruck is the human inner ear and neurotransmission in the cochlea and vestibule. Successful applicants are welcomed to participate on other research projects.

The position is available for three years starting in January, 2008. Candidates should have a Master degree in Biology, Medicine or comparable education. A background in neuroscience and practical skills in tissue culture and histology is desirable. Fluent in English is required. We offer the possibility to proceed a PhD thesis.

For more information please contact
Ao.Univ. Prof. Dr. Anneliese Schrott-Fischer
Medical University Innsbruck
Inner Ear Research Laboratories
Anichstr. 35
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

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