The Parker B. Francis Fellowship in Pulmonary Research is intended to support the development of outstanding investigators who plan careers in pulmonary research. We seek to help them as they make the transition to independent, self-supporting, faculty members.
Parker B. Francis Fellowship grants are awarded to institutions for the purpose of providing stipends, fringe benefits, and modest travel expenses in support of qualified post-doctoral fellows or newly appointed assistant professors. Award recipients will thereby be enabled to devote the major part of their professional effort to research related to pulmonary disease and lung biology.
Grants are made for three years of support. It is permissible to maintain support for the awardee as he or she moves from fellowship to faculty status. Awards are made to institutions on behalf of the fellows and can be transferred to other institutions only under special circumstances with prior approval from the Director of the Fellowship Program.
Fellows supported by a Parker B. Francis Fellowship must be assured of having at least 75 percent of their time available for research. This means that a total of no more than three months per year may be spent in clinical or other non-research activities.
Average award amount: $108,000
Number of awards: 15
Award coverage: stipend and fringe benefits plus travel max. $2,000/year
Award duration: 3 years
Award deadline: October 15
Eligibility Requirements
Institutions may have only two Parker B. Francis Fellows in the same department at a given time. Therefore, a department with a current Parker B. Francis Fellow may submit one application for an additional award this funding cycle. In addition, a department may submit no more than one application annually.
Most successful candidates have 2-5 years of research experience at the time of fellowship application. Candidates with fewer years of research experience are usually not competitive. Candidates with greater than seven years of research experience are discouraged from applying unless specific circumstances (such as a change of field) justify additional training at the fellowship level.
Candidates are expected to have participated as an author on a minimum of two or three research publications.
Candidates from under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applications for Fellowships will not be considered for funding if either the mentor or the Fellow has a relationship with the tobacco industry as described in the American Thoracic Society (ATS) guidelines.
If a current PBF Fellow or his/her mentor enters into a relationship with the tobacco industry, the PBF Fellowship support will be immediately ended.
The application includes the following:
a) Biographical sketch and brief statement of career goals of the candidate. Fellowships are restricted to US, Canadian and Mexican citizens or permanent residents. However, foreign nationals who document their initial steps toward permanent residence in the USA, Canada or Mexico will also be considered. Documentation should include a description of steps already taken toward application for long-term residency or citizenship.
b) A statement from the mentor evaluating the applicant's qualifications and indicating his or her career goals in the field of pulmonary research. Three additional letters are required from individuals who know the candidate well and, if possible, who have direct knowledge of the applicant's research capabilities.
c) Summary of past-training record of the primary mentor, including names of former trainees and their current positions. A brief escription of the research and training activity of the sponsoring unit (department) may also be provided. The relevant qualifications of secondary mentors should be summarized.
d) The sources and level of annual support (including grants pending) and the adequacy of equipment and space for research training available to the primary mentor and trainee.
e) Outline of the research project to be undertaken. Projects must relate specifically to lung disease or respiratory biology or respiratory disease.
f) On the s page, signatures of the primary mentor, department or division head and fiscal officer responsible for administering the grant.
Three letters of recommendation are essential and are a required part of all application submissions. Letters of recommendation should address:
* demonstrated potential for establishing an independent pulmonary research career
* evidence of originality
* adequacy of scientific background and evidence of superior performance
* quality of research publications
The letters, with signatures, should be mailed directly the Fellowship office at Harvard. The letters must be sent in sealed envelopes labeled with the applicant's name and signed by the individual providing the letter across the rear flap. Letters must meet the submission deadline of October 15.
The candidate's three strongest publication reprints should be submitted electronically as part of the application.
Further Information
http://www.francisf ellowships. org/apply. htm
Joseph D. Brain, Director
E-mail: brain@hsph.harvard. edu
Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program
Department of Environmental Health
Harvard School of Public Health
665 Huntington Avenue, Building I-1411
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
FAX: 617-277-2382
Nancy Long Sieber, Ph.D., Program Administrator
E-mail: nlong@hsph.harvard. edu
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