Apr 8, 2008

USA: ETS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award

Program Description
Individuals selected for fellowships conduct independent research in ETS's offices in Princeton, N.J. A wide-variety of research is acceptable including: measurement theory, validity, natural language processing and computational linguistics, cognitive psychology, learning theory, linguistics, speech recognition and processing, teaching and classroom research, and statistics.

The goals of the program are to
* provide research opportunities to individuals who hold a doctorate in the fields indicated above
* increase the number of women and underrepresented minority professionals conducting research in educational measurement and related fields

Areas of study: computer science, psychology
Open to students from: any region
Average award amount: $50,000

Eligibility Requirements
* Doctorate in a relevant discipline
* Evidence of prior research

The main criteria for selection are the candidate's scholarship and the technical strength of the proposed topic of research. Another key factor is the explicit objective of the research and its relationship to ETS research goals and priorities. ETS affirmative action objectives are considered.

Further Information
http://www.ets. org/portal/ site/ets/ menuitem. 1488512ecfd5b884 9a77b13bc3921509
/?vgnextoid= a7d6d635e06ed010 VgnVCM10000022f9 5190RCRD& vgnextchannel= 0d03d635e
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Educational Testing Service
Research and Development Division
Rosedale Road, Mail Stop 09-R
Princeton, NJ
Tel: 1-609-734-5543
Email: internfellowships@ ets.org

[sursa study-x]

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