Feb 23, 2010

Romana pentru Straini la Institutul Cultural Roman/Romanian for Foreigners @ Romanian Culture Institute

Cursuri de Limba Romana pentru Straini

Cursurile din 2010 se vor desfasura dupa urmatorul calendar:
- Seria 2: 25 martie – 25 mai (data limita 18 martie)

Cursuri normale (seriile 1, 2 si 5): marti si joi, intre orele 18.30-20.30 (9 saptamani).

Cursuri pentru toate nivelurile, de la incepatori la avansati. Grupele sunt formate din 8-12 cursanti.

Locatia: Liceul „Alexandru Vlahuta“, Str. Scoala Floreasca nr. 5, Bucuresti (zona Piata Dorobanti).

Pentru a stabili nivelul cunostintelor de limba romana, cursantii vor da un test, pe baza caruia se va face repartizarea pe grupe.

Formularul de inscriere trebuie trimis la adresa de e-mail relatii.interne@icr.ro (attn. Dra. Silvia Varbedian) si in copie la adresele
ana.borca@icr.ro sau depus direct la sediul Institutului.

Contact: Ana Borca - tel. 031 7100 672

Detalii la http://www.icr.ro/roclasses.

Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners

Applications can now be submitted for 2010 courses, for the following modules (series):
- 2nd series: March 25th – May 25th (deadline March18th)

Regular courses (1st, 2nd and 5th series): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.30 PM to 8.30 PM (9 weeks)

Courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners at all modules!
The study groups comprise 8-12 students.
Location: “Alexandru Vlahuta” Secondary School, 5 Scoala Floreasca St., Bucharest (Piata Dorobanti area).

In order assess the knowledge in Romanian language of those enrolled, they will be given a language test before the beginning of the courses and will be placed in groups according to the evaluation of these tests.

Applications must be submitted to the e-mail address relatii.interne@icr.ro (attn. Ms. Silvia Varbedian),
with a cc at: ana.borca@icr.ro or as a hard-copy, at the headquarters of the Institute.

For further information please contact: Ana Borca - tel. 031 7100 672

For details, please visit http://www.icr.ro/roclasses.

Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!

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