Aug 13, 2006

CfP: "Migration unbound: Challenging the limits of modern democracy"

"Migration unbound: Challenging the limits of modern democracy"
Re-public. Online Journal - Special Issue

The new online journal Re-public invites contributions for its upcoming special issue entitled "Migration unbound". In the contemporary political discourse of the international, migration has been represented as a force of uncertainty for
regional and global order and a threat to the security of nation states. These negative representations have overshadowed the potential challenge that international
migrations represent for the development of new forms of democratic theory and practice. Diverse phenomena such as the emergence of new forms of hybrid identities, the development of transnational networks, the (re)birth of diasporic belongings have highlighted creative avenues of escape from the impasse that democratic societies face. This issue aims at exploring migrations as movements that open up
the limits of modern democracies to the forces of transnationalism and globalization calling for alternative forms of representation that challenge national borders and
putting in question the citizen/alien divide. Possible topics include:

- Processes of securitization and desecuritization of migration
- Positive and negative conceptualizations of migration
- Human rights and migration
- Migrant identities
- Hybridity as a creative form of democratic belonging
- Transnationalism
- Diasporas
- New forms of citizenship
- Migrant social movements

Essays should be approximately 1.000 words long.
Deadline for articles: 20 September 2006.


Pavlos Hatzopoulos

[sursa eastchance]