Aug 10, 2006

Summary CooperAction

Summary CooperAction is a training course for developing new skills of co-operation among youth organisations and public authorities by using the YOUTH Programme in order to improve the impact of the YOUTH projects on local communities and youth policies.

Activity date 2006-09-29 - 2006-10-07
Activity type Training course
Target group Youth leaders, Youth workers Youth policy makers
Group size 21
Venue place, venue country Venice, Italy

Details CooperAction is aimed to provide tools and skills to youth associations, social workers, and local authorities of the countries involved in order to improve the co-operation between them (locally and internationally) and, as consequence, the quality of the youth projects of the YP in a long-term perspective. CBC is the framework of our training course, because it allows participants from border countries to focus on their similar problems and needs and to find better solutions or approaches.

A potential participant of CooperAction is somebody who:
- is part/or is ready to be part of a network which enables them to act as a multiplier;
- works directly with young people, works with people who work with youngsters, or is a youth policy maker or is working for a public administration in the youth sector;
- will put the competences gained in CooperAction to use in their regular activities;
- is aged above 18;
- is able to work in the language of the training (English);
- is committed to participating the total duration of the training course.

As the training is organised in the framework of the Cross-Border Cooperation, priority will be given to applicants from CBC-eligible countries and regions. Costs Board and lodging will be provided and paid by the project; travel expenses are reimbursed up to 70%; enrollment fee 20 ˆ per participant.

Working language English
Organizer Associazione 451
Deadline 2006-08-20
Date of selection 2006-09-01
Downloads Application form (30 kB)
Application to Associazione 451
Associazione 451
Via Fusinato 3B, 36078 Valdagno (VI) Italy
Phone: +393482644784
E-mail: //

[sursa astudents]