Nov 27, 2006

PhD Studentships in Network Communications - University of Bristol

Two PhD Studentships "Underpinnings of Network Communications"
Department of Mathematics & Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

*Centre for Communications Research*

Applications are invited for two fully funded PhD studentships on fundamental aspects of network telecommunications. The studentships will be sponsored by the Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. Telecommunications Research Laboratory.

Applicants should send a letter of motivation as well as a full CV (preferably via email) to: *Either:* Dr. Christophe Andrieu, University of Bristol, Department of Mathematics, Bristol BS8 1TW, UK, Email: c.andrieu@bristol., Tel: +44 (0)117 928 9134, Fax: +44 (0)117 928 7999

*Or* Dr. Oliver Johnson, University of Bristol, Department of Mathematics
Email: O.Johnson@bristol.

Or Dr. Robert J. Piechocki, University of Bristol, Centre for Communications
Research, E-mail: r.j.piechocki@ uk (please choose one point of contact and include "Ref: PhD Toshiba" in the subject line)

The present research programme follows very successful five year collaboration between the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the Department of Mathematics and Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. Telecommunications Research Laboratory.

The aim of the PhD projects is to investigate both theoretical and methodological aspects of modern telecommunications, in particular the information theoretical underpinnings of network communications, the associated modern statistical signal processing tools, and their practical consequences for future wireless communications.

The studentships benefit from excellent financial support (each consisting of: maintenance of 15K p.a., tuition and bench fees, travel funds, IT equipment etc.) provided by our industrial partner Toshiba. Given the fundamental character of the research, candidates from any background will require strong mathematical skills. In particular, knowledge of information theory or statistical signal processing would be a major advantage, while knowledge of statistics, probability, coding and communications would be a bonus. Both positions are open to applicants from all nations (no restrictions) .

The closing date for applications is *11th December 2006*

[sursa beasiswa]