Sep 24, 2007

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Scholarship / Financial aid: 8-10 each of $2,750
Date: One year
Deadline: December 11, 2007
Open to: graduating seniors

Announcement follows:

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, in Washington, DC, allows graduating seniors the opportunity to be junior research fellows. The students will work with senior associates on international affairs issues.

Applicants must be graduating college seniors or have graduated within the past academic year and have not yet begun graduate studies. Students must be nominated by their university and should have extensive coursework in international affairs, political science, economics, history, or Russian studies.

Amount of Award: A monthly salary of $2,750 and a $400 allowance for relocating to Washington, DC. Medical, dental, and life insurance, and vacation leave are also available.

Length of Award: One year.
Number of Awards: 8-10.

Application Deadline: BYU Deadline: December 11,2007

Application Process:
The applications must be coordinated through a designated university official and BYU is only allowed to nominate two students. Students are required to submit the following materials to the university official: a resume, two recommendations, transcripts, and an essay on a selected topic.


[sursa eastchance]

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