Sep 22, 2007

CfP: Plagiary - Cross Disciplinary Studies in Plagiarism


*A New Scholarly Journal

Over the past decade, cross-disciplinary interest in plagiarism and other forms of fraud as a focus of study has resulted from various discourse communities having to deal with serious violations of scholarship norms. Plagiarism, falsification of data, and fabrications have tainted the reputations of individuals, institutions, and professions as a whole.

To bring together the various strands of scholarship which already exist on the subject, and to create a forum for discussion across disciplinary boundaries, the new scholarly journal *Plagiary* exists. Devoted specifically to the scholarly, cross-disciplinary study of plagiary* *and related behaviors across the disciplines, articles in *Plagiary* address the issue of fraudulent contributions to disciplinary discourse communities and the potential (and actual) corruption of the professional literature and other genres of discourse as a result of such derivative and/or fraudulent "contributions* " *to discoursal interchange* .*

Yet along with such fraudulent representations which seem to be quite common across various discourse communities, there are also legimate means of derivative expression, and studies which analyze such topics as *mimicry*, *parody, pastiche* and the like are welcome for publications consideration.

*Launch Date: *January 2006. Papers are being accepted for publications consideration on an ongoing basis to be published in *Plagiary* through the
University of Michigan's Scholarly Publishing Office

*Format: *As a publication of the University of Michigan's Scholarly Publishing Office (SPO), the journal contents are distributed and preserved on a non-exclusive basis by the University of Michigan Library. And as part of the library collection, the journal falls under the preservation scope of a major research institution thus guaranteeing long term preservation of the journal content in perpetuity

http://www.plagiary .org/

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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