Call for Experts
in Italy, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Morocco, Ukraine for the project CLANDESTINO: Undocumented Migration: Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends Across Europe
The project
CLANDESTINO is a research project funded by the European Commission, under the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 8, Scientific Support to Policies (Contract no: CIS8-044130) .
This project responds to the need for more reliable and systematic data on undocumented migration in the European Union. Designing and implementing relevant policies is highly dependent on such data and estimates. Building a reliable picture of the undocumented migration in the EU involves providing an inventory of data and estimates on undocumented migration (stocks and flows), and analysing critically the
existing methods of data collection and calculation of estimates on undocumented migration in the countries selected. In doing so, the ethical and methodological issues involved in the collection of data, the elaboration of estimates and their use
are highlighted and discussed. Concrete products of this project will be the design of a system of evaluation and classification of existing data/estimates, the creation of a database on undocumented migration to which this system will be
applied, and the drafting of guidelines for an ethical policy for mapping the undocumented migration phenomenon in Europe. The project's Consortium consists of six partners:
Hellenic Foundation of European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) Athens (Co-ordinator) ; Centre for International Relations (CIR), Warsaw; Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Hamburg; Centre for the Study of Migration Policy and Society
(COMPAS), Oxford; International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Vienna; Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), Brussels. The countries studied include Greece, Italy, France and Spain in southern Europe; Netherlands, UK, Germany and Austria in Western and Central Europe; Poland, Hungary, Slovakia in Central Eastern Europe, and three countries near the EU borders who are often used as `stepping stones' for irregular migrants: Ukraine, Turkey and
Task description
The country experts to whom this Call is addressed will be required to review empirical and theoretical research on undocumented migration within their country of expertise, conduct expert interviews particularly in countries with few secondary sources and write a country report in English. This task can be broken down in the following three parts:
- Providing an inventory of data and estimates on undocumented migration (stocks and flows) and assessing its validity and reliability.
- Offering an overview of undocumented migration and its social, demographic, economic and political parameters in the selected countries under study.
- Providing for a critical overview of national policies on undocumented migration.
A detailed questionnaire is currently tested and will be available by the end of Febuary 2008.
In order to deliver the above, the experts should have excellent knowledge of migration situations in their country, a proven ability to write in English and, ideally, experience and expertise in the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the
undocumented migration phenomenon. Remuneration ranges between 3,000 and 4,000 Euro depending on the country of residence and seniority level. Deadline for draft reports is 15 June 2008 and final reports are due at the end of September 2008. Do not hesitate to ask for details or clarification (address below).
Deadline for applications: 1 December 2007
Please send your application to the attention of Dr. Thanos Maroukis (thmaroukis@eliamep. gr) , containing a motivation letter (explanations concerning your suitability to the project's requirements) ; Your full CV including a list of publications; copies of 2 recent and relevant publications. Applications are accepted only via e-mail. Please attach your motivation letter and CV as one file. As filename use your surname. Important: Write `CLANDESTINO' as first word in the subject line in this and all further e-mail communications.
[sursa balkans]
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